I have very sensitive skin. Not to the point that I get rashes or irritation, but to the point that I have to be very careful about which products I use on my face because I get red itchy eyes, super dry skin, and the occasional small bumpy breakout. Recently, I wanted to find something more natural to put on my face. Something that didn't have many ingredients and something that didn't have the undesirable parabans and chemicals.
I searched high and low and read a TON about the "Oil Cleansing Method", it sounded nice but I was a little nervous. I continued my search and started to read a ton of great stuff about Honey!!! People were actually using natural honey as a natural face wash and reporting excellent results. I went straight into my kitchen to grab the golden bear and I washed my face. It felt clean and moist and I was excited that I started to try different variations for the next couple of days. I tried honey and brown sugar and honey and baking soda both with great results. My skin was refreshed, clean, and hydrated. So how does it work you ask???
Well, Honey has a ton of antibacterial and healing properties that is great for acne and sensitive skin. It also helps your skin get back its natural pH and acidity.Many people have been using Honey for wounds and burns and they just apply it to the skin and leave it on the wound for several hours. To use Honey as a wash, I simply take a teaspoon of honey and rub it all over my face. I pay special attention to my trouble areas and then I let it sit for a minute and the I rinse with warm water. Make sure to use raw or natural honey...and not honey flavored syrup!!! If you are looking for some extra exfoliation try baking soda or brown sugar to the mix. I usually add about a half of a teaspoon. It is so delightful and I still can not believe how well it works!!!
Try it as a daily cleaning regimen or simply as a mask!!! Your face will Thank You!!
And stay tuned...because I have some other amazing uses for things in your pantry coming up soon!!!
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